Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Art Night

My old roomate, David Esler (DME), made this beatiful flyer for me. The church that I go to is having an art night on Nov 10th. Somehow I said that I would do all the planing, and I was starting to get a little discouraged, but I opened my email this morning and saw this flyer. Thanks David for this awesome help, it has giving me some charge. I hope that everyone can make it there, yes everyone, even my firends on this side of the roockies.

Friday, October 26, 2007

the tagged mix tape.

So I was tagged by the awesome Taralynn Jones, and I guess what I have to do is say 7 things that you might not know about me, and sence it is a mix tape, the song, Smashing Pumpkins "Drown",

1. I am the only Abbas man that is not married, so, ladies.

2. One time, on the Abbas Christmas card, I got my parents to put for me that I was engaged to this girl nammed Tyra Banks. Some people actually got me wedding gifts.

3.I work part time at Hot Topic, mostly because it is fun. But when kids come in asking for an application, I make up dumb stuff, like "To get an app, you must beat me at a dance compatetion" I am still undiffeted.

4. If I could do anything in music, I would be a DJ. I love the wheels of steel, the one two's, and the scratching.

5. No matter what people say, I think "The Matrix" was an awesome trilogy.

6. One time I was at someone's house, and I said that I was happy to be there, I wasn't.

7. I love being in front of crowds, making them laugh, and I am trying to move to Los Angeles, to learn how to do it better.

So Taralynn Jones tagged me and said I get to tag three people, So I am going to tag three people that I think will enjoy this, or the first three that comes to mind. David Esler, Blaine Franger, Peter Dawson,

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I have been Tagged

So I am sorry that it has taken me this long to post something back up. I wish I could say that I have been super busy with allot of things but, God knows that is not true. It is weird, it seems like when you have more time on your hands, you get less done. Oh well.

Announcement: On Nov 10th, the church that I go to is haveing an Art opening night. I am invited any artist that wants to come and show their work for about three hours, hang out, have an awesome time. If you do, please contact me.

Well, like the title says, I have been tagged, thankyou Tara, but I will save that for next post, And who will I tag?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the ultimate warrior would agree

So, I am thinking, I want to go Camping in Dec, do some photography, I want to go back to death valley, or some place new. Well, I am finally done with the Pimps pictures, it has been a good set. I hope that you have enjoyed them. Honest, it has been an huge honor to do these pictures for them, I really do love their music and Boney and Jamie are just awesome guys. They took me to the best taco stand in Fresno that day. Awesome

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I farted, lets get this posting started

Well, seeing as how that these are the pictures that I am working on, I might as well post them. I took some creativeness on some.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Runk Pock

I was sitting working on images that I work on, and I came across this one. There is somthing about this one that is like my favorite one of the set. I really don't know what, I just really like it. Well tommorrow is the Renisance Fair. Maybe some images from that. I want to go and get a real samurai Sword becasue the do sell them there, I think they have there time and places mixed up. The lady of the lake came out an gave King Arthur Nun-chucks, and some throwing stars.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Want for nadda

Sorry about the BP line guys, I couldn't help myself, Bad form.

One of my favorite U2 Albums

On the way home from Vegas, I stopped and took a couple pictures of the Amazing Joshua Trees.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cool as Dean Martin

So it is going to take some time to finish the Argyle Pimps phoot shot, but as I work on it, I will be posting the stuff I do.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Viva Las Vegas, Viva Awesome

Holy Cow, we had such an amazing time in Vegas. I am really not one to write allot on my post's. I hope that the pictures tell somewhat of what we did. (In no paticular order)Saw Stomp for free, really good show. Won 60 bucks the first night. Went to "bodies" exibit. Lost 27 dolars the next night, Ate lunch at ESPN zone while watching Cal beat Orgon, awesome game, came down to last play. Got into an elevator full of girls, and hit a chicken into a pot.

The crew, Kristan (Amazing Sister-in law), Sam, Jon (Birthday bro), and Suzy.