Tuesday, August 08, 2006

my favorite pixies song

So my favorite song by the the Pixes is "where is my mind", of course it is the only song I know by them. If you don't know what it is, it is that song playing at the end of "FightClub", when all the buildings are blowing up. But that is my state right now, where is my mind. Camp was awesome for two weeks, now I have to be in the real world. It is so easy being away from the world, and in camp, almost like a Christian bubble, you really don't have to worry. But now I am back in the world, but my mind is still in the mountain. Camp was allot of first for me. But the greatest first was Wyatt. He is the first person that I ever led to Christ. The joy, he will always be in my heart, and now with the Lord.


blaine said...

awesome steebo! you rock!

Jonathan said...

thats really cool bro! I am happy that God used you!