Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The remix of golf.

Sorry about the delay, but I have been wanting to go out and shoot, but just not the time to go. So I did a little more work on the mini golf. Some things that might be coming up in my life. Palm Springs this weekend, or more band photography.
Also thanks to all people that leave comments, I know that I don't leave that many comments on other blogs, but it is always cool to hear feedback.


Amanda said...

I love the picture looking out towards the mountains with the clouds rolling in. It seems so lonely out there, but yet in a sense peaceful. :D I enjoy looking at your pictures Stephen.

Tracy said...

Very cool pictures, Stephen! I saw the ones you did of Rusty and Blynn, too. Loved them!

stacey said...

Stephen, I love the picture of the clouds and the sun coming through! The reason I love it: the chain hanging in the fore-ground looks like a smile, I imagine the Lord smiling on His creation. Stacey