Last week, I shot the Argyle Pimps, they are a hip hop group from LA. I havn;t really paid a listen to them until the show. Now I can't put down the CD. There are some more pictures coming soon.
So I was walking threw my kitchen and saw that my cat was sitting on the window, so I grabed my camera and before I got the settings right I was able to shot one picture before he ran off. I never eally looked at the picture until I saw my reflection in the window. The only thing I did to the picture was change the levels and bumped up the saturation.
Hey sorry that it has been a long time posting, I am sorry to all my loyal fans (my brother jon, blaine, david, and Mom, well I am not to sure about mom). So the Christmas season was really cool, I had an awesome time playing cardboard tube ninja with my nephew. The honest awesome thing was that my neice now lets me hold her with out screaming and not knowing who I am, next step, saying uncle stephen. Awesome.