Monday, October 23, 2006

noes going to explode with snot

So I am sitting here at starbuck typing this out, but I should be home getting better. Today the flu hit me with a flu stick, I sleep into until three but still I feel blah. I should be cool by thursday, but man I hate being sick. So I heard that there was this Japanese band playing in the nist town over and here are some shots, nothing to good, I should post more later. "Heros" is on tonight and man I laove that new show.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I don't know

So I am sitting in this coffee shop wondering what to say about this picture that I did last night. A friend is sitting next to me asking me where I buy my crap from, (my butt, ha)(she punched me and feed me gum, yes.) So lets just say when you are up late, these are the things that come to my mind, while watching "American History X".

Monday, October 16, 2006

The mighty David Wilder

So yestruday was a first for me. THe first I ever did senior portraits. It was alright, The model was a cool kid from church and he wanted to do some cool shots. Well I guess I am walking down another road, the road of senior portraits, yuk.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

kung fu kick cake

So I was in Pismo on monday doing some engagment photos for a couple that live in Santa Barbara. It was a cool day, and it is always nice just to get out of the valley. Life is good, I did some work for a magazine and was hopeing to do some more, but they just emailed me back and said that they are not going to need me, bummer.